Spell to Banish Jealousy
June 26th, 2008
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Nutmeg
Jealousy plagues relationships. Working with your partner or by yourself, you'll create that green-eyed monster and then banish it. The energy you put into making a doll is part of your magic. You'll make a monster; however you imagine that. Just make sure it has green eyes! While making the doll, think about jealousy. Think how unpleasant it feels,and how it harms your relationship. Think about jealous fights, and how you'd prefer not to have them. In a circle, consecrate and name the finished doll:
"You are jealousy, the green-eyed monster.
You are my/our feelings of jealousy and pain."
Greet the doll. Talk to it. Tell it about jealousy. Pour your deepest feelings of jealousy into the doll.
"I/we banish you.
Leave here and return no more!"
Throw the doll out of the circle. Close the circle. Take the doll to a dumpster or landfill.
Repeat: "Leave and return no more!"
By: Deborah Lipp
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