Friday, June 27, 2008

Magical Roses (article)

Magical Roses (article)

History & Folklore:

Greek legend tells us that Roses were born from Aphrodite's blood whenher foot got pricked by a thorn, but the Greek's were certainly not the first or last civilization to include this flower in myth and lore. The Rose has been the "Queen of Flowers" for over three thousand years.

Ancient stories say that Cleopatra welcomed Mark Anthony with thousands of Rose petals as a sign of her love. In Rome and surrounding regions,the Rose not only represented romance, but also Joy and Passion.

In Greece, any oath or information shared beneath a hanging rose was considered binding and secret. Teutonic tradition says Roses are protected by Faery Folk. Arabs consider them sacred to Muhammad, and they were favored by Vishu in India. Some regions of Europe consider the Rose a funerary flower, while in others its petals are observed for omens (often about a relationship.)

In much of the Orient, the Rose is the flower of Goddesses, which is why Goddess images often receive showers of Rose petals as an offering. The idea of the Catholic prayer "rosary" comes from the tradition that the beads were originally made of Rose petals, and Roses are Mary's Flowers.[Some Pagans believe that the Goddess was re-incarnated into the "MotherMary" when Christianity became the predominent religion in Europe.]

Golden Roses are said to represent spiritual perfection, white Roses represent purity, yellow Roses friendship, and eight-petaled Roses signify Re-Incarnation.

* Death
* Enlightenment
* Faeries
* Friendship
* Happiness
* Love
* Oaths
* Offerings
* Omens
* Passion
* Prayer
* Purity
* Reincarnation

Sample Applications:There aren't many magickal procedures that won't benefit from the Rose's loving energy. Personally, I love Pink Roses and especially wild Rose Bushes. I have a beautiful Pink Rose Bush that I planted near my front doorstep, and I keep the fresh blooms on my altar for decoration and energy --- after asking the permission of Rose and the Faeries of course!It is relatively easy to make rose-scented oils, teas, and potions for magickal use simply by steeping the freshly cut petals in in warm (not HOT) water or oil until the petals are translucent. Repeat with fresh petals until you are happy with the scent. Store in a dark, airtight container (I like the colored glass bottles...) that is suitably labeled. Roses are edible and the hips are a wonderful source of vitamin C, making them serviceable physically as well as metaphysically!

Information from:
"MAGICK made Easy: Charms, Spells, Potions & Power"
Paticia Telesco.


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