Faeries and You
The realm of faeries and elves is divided into four groups: The Earth Spirits- elves, gnomes, and trolls; The Water Spirits- nymphs, undinesand water sprites; The Air Spirits- sylphs; and The Fire Spirits-salamanders. It is important that your garden be an environment that welcomes all living beings, especially faeries and elves. These pages are designed to help you connect with the fey......enjoy!
Faery are often very shy or mistrustful of humans. Some dislike humans all together and are best avoided. Faery have many reason to distrust humans. A few reasons:
1. We are destructive. So much land and water has been destroyed,polluted or hurt in some way by humans. We cut down whole forests, dump our garbage were ever we like (so many times I've been out horseback riding on wooded trails and find abandoned vehicles and
appliances, tires and other trash) Money is usually the main factor guiding men when it comes to ripping apart our land to put in a new shopping mall or housing development. Look at all the pollution done to the seas, rivers, lakes etc. We can't claim ignorance for all that's been done.
2. There are unfortunately way to many people out there that are cruel to animals. I volunteer with a shelter and see such cruelty. Animals are beaten, starved, set on fire, killed for fun, tormented, experimented on and forced into horrible sport for our amusement
examples: horse tripping, dog and cock fighting.
3. How can faery be expected to trust us at face value when we as humans can't get along. Wars, abuse, killing, pettiness, all the manipulation, lies. Why this list alone could take pages.
These are just a few reasons fae may be distrustful of us.
I know some of what I said may have seemed harsh but it's reality. Mother Earth and her creatures are suffering and much of it's at our hands. While all that maybe true it's still possible to strike up a relationship with the fae. They are shy, perhaps deservedly untrusting and have thier own set of standards. This being so it takes a willingness, true intent, patience and perhaps a little luck to get their attention.
Some things to help in contacting them. It's easiest to see them or have contact with them in 'tween places. In a doorway, Hall, gate, crossroads, etc. Anyplace that's in between or not truly one place or another. Good times to try are dusk before the sun is truly up, noon, twilight and midnight. The veil between our world and their's is easier to pierce, so to speak. Full moon and New moon are powerful times. Your solstices, equinox's are another good time. You can purchase an almanac for this information, or look at the Witche's Calendar here on the sidebar.
Have an offering of some sort is also helpful. The faery like to be thanked, not in words but gifts. Have an area devoted to the wee folk. An area in your yard or garden. If it's not possible to have an outside location devote a space in your home. It need not be large. Having natural plants and even one of those small water fountains is helpful. Leave small stones, herbs etc. in this area. Announce to the faery this is their space.
If you have images or statues, dolls or anything fae related leave them near this spot or scattered in your home. They will be attracted to them.
Faery love music so play it often especially when working with them.!
posted by: Cherry)O(Witch
yahoo group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TurnTheWheel/
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