Sunday, July 27, 2008


Links to articles at joint effort with ABCNews

Who Was Mary Magdalene?

Mary, Mary, Extraordinary

She was an important disciple and witness for Jesus, but there is no historical evidence for a more intimate relationship. By Ben Witherington III

All New Testament references to the woman from Magdala

Tradition is not fixed. Newly discovered texts like the Gospel of Mary let us hear other voices in an ancient Christian debate. By Karen King

Like Jesus, Mary Magdalene is now the subject of a cultural makeover. What agenda do feminist scholars have in mind? By Kenneth L. Woodward

Mary Magdalene in the Bible and in pop culture

Which image of Mary Magdalene is most meaningful to you?

"Woman with the wild thing's heart," a poem about Mary Magdalene

Could Jesus Have Been Married?

A new novel forces people to confront a biblical puzzle. Was Mary Magdalene Mrs. Jesus?By Deborah Caldwell

If we ask what the hard evidence is that Jesus was married, there really is a very short answer. There is none. By Darrell Bock

He may have been too poor to support a family. By John Dominic Crossan

Was Jesus Married?

Christianity's "Hidden Goddess"

Was she a Benjamite heiress destined to carry on a sacred bloodline?By Margaret Starbird

How divine figures from world religions, including Mary Magdalene, can help you in your daily life.By Laurie Sue Brockway

The Gospel of Mary

An ancient manuscript, a radical interpretation of Jesus' teachings--written in the name of a woman.By Karen L. King




What would Christianity be like if gnostic texts had made it into the Bible?Interview with Dr. Elaine Pagels, author of "Beyond Belief"

Gnostic gospels were never taken as historical documents. Why are they now in vogue?By James Hitchcock

Are noncanonical texts like "The Gospel of Mary" legit?